Friday, 2 May 2014


I've enjoyed making my website but now appreciate how difficult it is to get things just as you want them. I toyed around with various means of navigation. Having a home page with buttons that take you to the relevant page. Having a hand-rendered title and navigation bar, whilst also modifying my logo and the arrangement of projects.

I originally wanted hand-rendered text for my title and navigation bar. However I found my writing didn't really translate to this very well and it looked messy. I picked a semi-cursive text instead to resemble my style of writing but in a much cleaner manner. I then imposed my knitted texture to make it more interesting.
I changed the navigation bar from the side of the screen to the top. I also changed the colour and type to match the header  all using the css.

I changed my logo from a square format to circular. I feel this made it feel less awkwardly placed and also meant it translated better to other areas.

Screen-shot of the final layout for the intro to my website.
I also changed the project pages. I made the emphasis on the knitted items, with just one image set relating to other media. I removed all the extras around the slideshow, making the pages clean and bright so there's nothing to distract from the image on screen.

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