Tuesday, 22 April 2014


I booked the camera equipment out over easter weekend to play around with composition and to see how my work photographed. However after getting the equipment home I found out one of the lights didn't work. The images therefore weren't as bright as I'd have liked, but nothing a bit of photoshop couldn't fix. I ended up whiting out the backgrounds but I'm glad I photographed it for the shadows.

I started off with more of a random arrangement of all 10

I thought it might be nice to group them by colour (browns, greens, blues, orange). I didn't like the triangle that formed.  Wanted more uniformity

really liked the 3x3 arrangement, although I had to leave 1 out thought it looked a lot better.

Tried the 3x3 with the landscape imagery, however didn't feel right.

Tried in  5x2, liked this a lot more, as it's wire than it is tall feel it better represents the landscapes as a lot of the colours within are blocked this way. Didn't like the position of the black, blue and green image (top right)
Prefer the image with black in at the bottom. It's the only patch with black in and also seems a lot harsher than the rest. I think the position it's in now is better as we look from left to right it almost acts as a full stop.
Final Images
I decided to change the centre image as I thought it was too bright in comparison to the others. Although it could've acted as a focal point I thought overall it would be too distracting from the rest of the images.
for both images I used photoshop to change the levels, making the whites, whiter.  I also re-took the the images after tidying up the stray wool strands as I thought this looked more finished and professional.

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