Saturday, 22 March 2014


Considering I haven't touched a knitting needle since it was suggested I focus more on my drawings and there's only a month to go. I think I need to reassess my synopsis of study. Originally I was aiming to produce a series of knitted sculptures and images in response to an area. Therefore incorporating both 2D and 3D work. This then developed into the idea of creating brutalist themed buildings. However as it's been suggested on more than one occasion I push my drawings I've spent the last month working entirely 2d with pencils, coloured pencils, watercolour and occasionally developing these images into flattened digital images. As for the craft exhibition: I made it with my hands is now coming up. I feel I can step back from this need to incorporate 3D into my major project, as I shall be including knitted works in this exhibition. I can therefore focus entirely on the 2D and perhaps look into the suggestion of incorporating knit into my 2D works (although I doubt I'll go back to knit at all). I believe working in this way will also benefit my portfolio. As it shall be 2d and predominantly drawn it should translate well to photograph or scan. I am now involved in a craft exhibition and have a stall at  Pictogram's market event to look forward to. Hopefully these side projects, with their emphasis on craft and hand-made shall keep me busy and not missing knitting for the remainder of the project.

Throughout the remainder of this project I shall be further investigating landscape, buildings and texture through drawn images. However instead of looking purely at built up areas I shall also be looking at areas with more of a rural feel and natural appeal. Looking into farmland and cottages for the Cath kidston brief has made me want to look more at more non-urban areas. I have taken huge inspiration from the detail and texture of Nigel Peake and Mister Mourao, the construction of brutalist buildings and the composition of Thomas Demand. I hope to keep in mind the elements of influence they have given to my work while continuing to create imagery. I feel I have a lot to work with so far, from London, Oxford, Jersey and Bournemouth, and shall continue to create new imagery from observation by looking into bournemouth's farmlands, rivers, beaches etc. Hopefully another 2 weeks or so of working in this manner will give me enough to look back on to create a large final image, as I would like to display an A2 or A1 size original drawing for the final degree show.

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