Monday, 12 May 2014


I made and ISSUU BOOK containing arrangements of my favourite knitted images. I think it's nice to see them in a 2d setting and almost helps towards seeing what they look like displayed next to each other.   So far I've only been grouping them according to location however for the final show I would like to display all of them together.

My favourite knits

Sunday, 11 May 2014


My finished Bournemouth knits. I originally wanted a layout similar to that of the landscape images. However I was unhappy with 5 of my knitted images and so chose to leave them out. This left me with the right amount to do a 4x4 grid which I think works well.

Saturday, 10 May 2014


My business cards arrived during the week meaning I've had time to think about self-promotional send outs. I figured it's best to keep it simple and so made origami envelopes in which I put a postcard with my email on the back, a business card and small badge with my logo. I've also made small packages that could be given away in person. Smaller origami envelopes with my website on the back, containing just a badge. I hope by using my digital work to create the envelopes that they'll be eye catching in a pile of normal mail, and therefore more likely to get picked up.

finished business cards

send-outs. Origami envelope, business card, postcard and badges.

smaller origami envelopes and badge send outs. 

Thursday, 8 May 2014


I had good feedback about using black as a backing for my knitted images, they looked more like stand alone objects. Having the white background made the entire sheet seem like the image. I had used mount board covered in black paper to get the black background, but didn't like the way it sat in the portfolio. I went on the hunt and eventually found black mount board that was fully black, edges and all at Hobbycraft.

My final portfolio

I decided to put some of my digital work in as well to show the process of making, these I've mounted on normal mount board just so all the pieces feels the same.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

FULL 360

With only one week to go it's interesting looking back at my original synopsis of study, and revised synopsis. I feel over the last few months my work has come full 360. From wanting to look at scenic areas and recreate these in knit, to looking at brutalist buildings to then scrap knit altogether. I've come back round to the process of knit using the drawn and digital work as development and supporting work, and creating final knitted images. Now that I'm end the end of the project I can look back at what my aims were for a final outcome. In my synopsis of study I stated that:

"In terms of having a final outcome, I don't want to envisage this project as having a definitive end, I will therefore be working towards a series of images and sculptures that work well supporting one another with have the prospect of continuing indefinitely."

Although I decided against pursuing 3D knits due the the amount of time they take I do have a series of knitted images that work on their own or as a collective. I also don't see the project as being over. Due to the source material it has the potential to continue indefinitely in terms of creating more knitted images, developing existing knits into 3D or creating more drawn imagery around the subject and responding to them. 

I've also looked at both natural and man-made landscapes. I originally wanted to focus on the natural landscape and look at the man-made if there was time. However by pursuing them both I became responsive to the variation between the natural and man-man landscape. The differences in feel, composition and colour. This led me to focus on each separate for a period of time and then finally bring this work together in later work surrounding bournemouth by looking at areas combining man-made and natural, whilst again focussing on arrangement of buildings within a more natural environment and limited colours. 

Tuesday, 6 May 2014


I used the long weekend to create more knits based on my images of bournemouth. I think these are my favourite set of knits so far as I feel they represent a balance between natural and man-made landscapes.